Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another Year Older..

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to..Okay, I don't actually want to cry, but I must admit that I am a bit sad to see my 21st year coming to a close as I turn 22 today!I feel like at 21 I grew up so much. I made some important life, schooling, and career decisions, and took a risk by changing my entire life plan from school teacher to interior designer. I also completed my (first) undergrad

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

NY's BookExpo (And Books To Buy In 2012)

Last week, I took a break from photographing New York for a new book and instead went and looked at other people's books. Lots and lots of them. I went along to the great, gargantuan, carnivalesque event known as BookExpo America (BEA), the publishing industry's big trade show.There were 1200 exhibitors in the cavernous space, most of them publishers, and more famous authors than you could shake

Curb Appeal

I haven't done much to outside of the house.  I've never been one to do yard work.  I was made to do it as a kid by my parents and decided it wasn't something I wanted to do ever again as an adult.  Why force myself to sweat and overheat while doing any labor?  Well, we bought a house with a yard so I guess that means we have to do something.  Our neighbors have started sprucing up their yards so

New Blog Design is Live!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Wednesday's Doodles to bring you an exciting message!:Some of you may have noticed that the little blog looks a WHOLE LOT different today. I am so thrilled with the new design! It is soo much more me! I have Melissa, the creative genius behind 20 Going on 80 and Cherry on Top Blog Shoppe to thank for the amazing makeover. She completely captured my vision and

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Connecticut: The Anti-Hamptons?

"And then one day in 1976, Billy Baldwin and I were out looking for houses for sale in Connecticut, something we did a lot together, and I saw this wonderful old stone house.  It had such a dignity about it.  The place was built in 1770 as a tavern n the old Albany Post Road.  The house came with six acres, and I bought the adjacent apple orchard, or what was left of it.  Twenty-one acres in all.

Orange You Glad I Changed my Mind?

 My friend Rachel is going to love this post. While it has always been her favourite colour, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I have never been a huge fan of orange. BUT THEN Pantone named Tangerine Tango as the 'it' color of 2012 and suddenly I was seeing orange everywhere...and surprisingly, I didn't hate it. In fact...I was kind of loving it. I was particularly head over heels in the June

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cottage Style

This weekend, I took advantage of the warm weather and headed up to a friend's summer home. There's nothing I love quite like cottage country. I feel so at peace on the lake, and boating always puts a huge smile on my face. ^ Here I am basking in the front of the boat (and channeling my inner Elle Woods in a sequined bikini top). I also love me some fabulous nautical inspired interiors. Take for